We collect information about a range of characteristics of those on the Register. While this information is not a statutory requirement of registration, it really helps us identify if there are areas where we need to focus our support, development or guidance.

We have a diversity statement on how we use information to inform what we do, and an Equality and Diversity Performance Plan, which you can read about on our website here.

We share the anonymised data we collect on our website for those who are interested and to assist policy makers. You can see E&D data on the profession, with details of gender, age, ethnicity, disability, religion and sexual orientation here.

Currently, we have data for 66% of you – thank you!

For those who have not yet submitted data, or want to update their information, it is very easy. Just log in to Registrant Services and follow the instructions.

Naturally, we treat this data securely and it is not connected to your registration in any of our systems. It also cannot be seen by members of the ARB team. Additionally, you don’t have to answer every section, as each question has a prefer not to say option. Knowing the proportion of registrants who feel this way is also helpful for us.

It would be great to increase the proportion of the Register we hold E&D data for, to better support and inform how we develop our services.

We’ll be reporting on our activities in this area later in the year. In the meantime, if you have any questions or comments contact us and we will be happy to help.