We recognise that in these highly challenging circumstances you may need to find different ways to meet your professional responsibilities and ensure your safety and the safety of others.
Online support
On 19 March we established a Coronavirus section on our website to help us quickly convey the latest advice and information to you and others we engage with.
This includes dedicated advice for architects on practising during this time. A summary of the areas covered are outlined below.
Details of the other areas of information available in this section can be found in the Coronavirus article in this edition, or the website section itself: arb.org.uk/coronavirus
Areas covered
Integrity, communication and organising your work
Throughout the section you can find guidance on key areas for consideration to meet your professional responsibilities. This includes staying at home where possible and only going outside for work where this absolutely cannot be done at home.
Tips on when and how to tackle key areas of communications are also shared, as well as advice around insurance and making alternative arrangements for your professional work.
We recognise the need for pragmatism and recommend that, if you do face compliance difficulties, clearly document the approach you took and reasoning why. If you are unsure about what to do in a specific scenario, you can contact our Professional Standards team and they will be happy to advise.
The guidance was recently updated to cover the Government furlough scheme that some employers may be able to take advantage of. Once furloughed, an employee cannot provide any service or do any work that makes money for their practice. Any employee being asked to work after being furloughed should contact HMRC for further advice.
At the end of page you can find a collection of links to other useful information, such as the latest Government advice, Site Operating Procedures published by the CIC, advice on business practicalities form RIBA and RIAS and details of the support available from the Architects Benevolent Society.
If you have a question about your regulatory responsibilities not covered by the guidance, please contact us at professionalstandards@arb.org.uk using the subject line Coronavirus Guidance.