If you would like to remain on the Architects Register in 2019 you will need to pay your retention fee by midnight on 31 December 2018.
Being on the Architects Register enables you to call yourself an architect and use your regulated status as a market edge over your competitors. You can display the ARB logo and link to your Register profile to reassure clients you are a genuine and regulated professional who has earned the skills and qualifications required to use the title. The fee is our main source of income for funding our regulatory work to maintain standards, and therefore trust, in the profession.
Last year, 1202 architects were removed from the Register for non-payment. By the end of January 2018 41% (and by June 55%) had requested to be re-entered on to the Register suggesting that non-payment was not intentional for these individuals.
If you want to remain on the Register, we don’t want this to happen to you as re-joining the Register incurs additional costs to the retention fee and you will not be able to use the title during your time off the Register.
Last month we sent a Top Tips email to help make paying on time easier, and routinely post reminders and fee advice on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn. If you are on the Register and haven’t paid your fee yet, we will be sending reminders across the month to help you pay on time. If you believe your practice is paying on your behalf you may want to double check everything is in hand, share the reminders with the relevant member of staff and check your payment is going to be made on time.
If you’d like to pay your fee, you can do so quickly and easily here. For other ways to pay and more information about the fee, click here. We know there isn’t always time to contact us during normal office hours so we’ve extended some of our opening hours in December, see here for more details.
If you think you might find it difficult to afford your fee or are finding this time of year difficult the Architects Benevolent Society may be able to help. See our dedicate article on this fantastic organisation for more information.