There was a lot to discuss at the September Board meeting, we had a packed agenda as we looked to the year ahead and agreed our plans and budget for 2016. A key matter to look out for is the upcoming election of architect Board Members. Nominations open on 2 November 2015 and close at noon on 11 January 2016. You can read more about what the role involves, and the election process, in this ebulletin.
2016 Business Plan
At the meeting, the Board discussed the 2016 business plan and budget and agreed its programme of work for the coming year, we are keen to commence, if appropriate, our planned review of routes to registration, alongside a review of our investigation and disciplinary processes, once the outcome of the Governments Periodic Review is announced. We also want to respond to the increased demand for our digital services by making improvements to our online offering. Proposed changes, including making elements of the website mobile friendly and improving the online resources we offer, are planned for 2016. These works are essential for our organisation as the demand for our services continues to increase with the Register now standing at over 36,000.
Retention Fee
The Board assessed ARB’s financial commitments and expected income for the year ahead, as set out in the 2016 budget, and decided to hold the 2016 retention fee at £107. We also agreed our reserves policy to reflect the requirements set out in our Framework Agreement with the Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG).
The annual retention fee statutory notice and other correspondence will be sent out in due course. It’s essential that we have the correct contact details for you, please ensure you update your details so that we can reach you. To be eligible to vote in the forthcoming election you must be on the Register at the beginning of January. So payment of your 2016 fee must be made by the end of 2015.
Code of Conduct
The Board studied the responses to the Consultation on the Architects Code of Conduct and had a constructive discussion about the future of the Code. The Board recognise that the Code of Conduct is a principle based document providing general guidance relating to expected standards of architect’s conduct and competence, rather than being a set of prescriptive rules. While the Board was of the view that the Code remains fit for purpose, it nevertheless instructed that a future analysis be undertaken to ensure that the Code is as clear as it possibly can be. That review will commence straightaway, and if it is necessary, a new Code will be issued in 2017.
There is only one Board meeting before the end of the year and the retention fee collection period is also approaching so please look out for messages from us over the coming months. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions, you can either email us at or you can phone us at +44 (0) 20 7580 5861.