It’s a pleasure to be writing to you once again. I hope you are continuing to stay safe and well and found things to enjoy over the summer.

Since I last wrote, my Board colleagues and I have had a further session on ARB’s 2022 business plan and 2022-2027 strategy, and I am delighted to say that we have forged some ambitious plans for the priorities and direction of the organisation over the next few years. These plans reflect our unanimous view that regulation to support and encourage the professionalism of architects as well as making a positive contribution in terms of public protection.

Our strategic priorities over the next few years will be: to modernise the initial education and training of architects, to develop and deliver a new model of continuing professional development, to transform ARB’s systems, process and technology, and to invest in our people. This will enable us to deliver improvements spanning registration, accreditation, UK and international routes to registration, standards and good practice, and protection of title. We will share more details of our plans with you very soon, so do keep an eye out for future communications.

We are excited to launch these new plans. As you know we continually engage with the profession through surveys, consultations and engagement events. We also commission research and work collaboratively with the professional leadership bodies representing architecture and the other built environment professions. All this amounts to a truly collective exercise: I hope you will agree with me when you read our strategy next month.

Recently I have had the privilege of visiting two schools of architecture. I have heard first-hand about the challenges faced by the higher education sector, but also seen the energy, enthusiasm, innovation and creativity within these institutions. Next month we will publish a key discussion document which sets out some radical proposals for the initial education and training of architects. We’d love to hear your feedback when it’s published.

Next month we will also be writing to architects and their employers about the annual retention fee cycle including how to keep your details up to date and the different ways you can pay.

And finally, our survey to get your thoughts on our proposed principles for a continuing professional development (CPD) monitoring framework is still live and runs for another couple of months. Please do take the time to share your views with us; it’s important that we launch a scheme that is helpful and fully supportive of the profession. To get it right, we need your contribution so don’t miss the chance.

Alan Kershaw


Architects Registration Board