At the July Board meeting, the Board noted an update regarding the Periodic Review recommendations.  The recommendations covered a range of factors including moving to an all appointed Board and implementing changes to streamline ARB’s professional conduct process.  There were also recommendations relating to the EU Professional Qualifications Directive and the accreditation of qualifications recognised by ARB, but the report on the Review made clear that any change in this area would not be taken forward until it is known what arrangements will be in place once the UK has left the EU.

Most of the recommendations are in the domain of DCLG, such as those which require changes to primary legislation, but we have identified seven of the points which require action on our part and the paper presented to the Board sets out progress on these.

At the recent Board meeting the Registrar provided a verbal update on behalf of DCLG, explaining that the Department had commenced the process of implementing the recommendation to move towards a smaller Board, a change which is expected in spring 2018.