In our most recent annual statistical report to the Board, we published a summary of the equality and diversity information we currently hold for the Register.

A long term project – The collection of this data is a long term project. We need this information to ensure that there are no unintentional barriers in the services we provide to our stakeholders. We started to collect this data from registrants in 2012, with those who were joining or re-joining the Register being asked to make a submission. In 2015, we surveyed all registrants for whom we held no equality and diversity data (and for whom we have email addresses). The survey resulted in more than 5,000 responses and, consequently, we currently hold information on about 13,000 architects (35% of the Register).

Online services – We have just enhanced our online services offer so that registrants, who have not yet provided us with equality and diversity information, have the option of submitting it at the same time that they make other updates to their personal details.

Confidentiality and Reporting – Equality and diversity data is treated in the strictest confidence. The information is linked to registrants’ records and is held on a private section of the Register, which is not even visible to ARB staff. When we publish equality and diversity data it will always be in aggregate form and never related to individual registrants.

Here is some of the information included in the equality and diversity section of the latest statistical report:

Of the 36,678 people on the Register as at the end of December 2015, 75% were male and 25% were female.

The percentage of female architects continues to grow slowly through new admissions to the Register. In 2015, 42% of new admissions were female and 58% were male.

We hold age information for all architects on the Register. Those under 35 represent 20% of the Register; 39% of architects fall into the 36-50 age group; 29% of registrants are 51-65 and 12% of architects are over 66.

To view the full statistical report, please click here.

If you have not yet provided us with your equality and diversity data please consider clicking here to submit this information.