Accountability is ARB’s watchword at the first Board meeting of 2016
Strong performance in 2015 – Welcome to the February eBulletin – the first of 2016. At the recent Board Meeting, on 11 February 2016, we assessed the delivery of the 2015 business plan and considered a report on statistics and trends from the Register. Performance was strong in 2015 with service levels improving from previous years. Our investment in online services is proving successful, with an increase in the number of people applying for registration and updating their contact details online. The statistical report highlights the growing Register and also includes a summary of the equality and diversity data we now hold about architects.
Impact of the Periodic Review – The Periodic Review has meant that some major projects, including the Review of Routes to Registration and a review of how ARB regulates architects have had to be postponed until the outcome of the government review is known. We are looking forward to progressing with these matters when possible. The Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG) have advised us that the Periodic Review report has gone to the Minister and that a final report is expected by Easter 2016.
Board governance focus – At the February Board meeting, we discussed and agreed amendments to key policies covering Board governance matters, including the Board’s Open and Confidential Session Policy, which underpins our commitment to operating in a transparent manner. We take our governance responsibilities seriously and work to ensure that our policies and procedures are designed to enable us to discharge our oversight functions effectively. Consequently, small amendments to the terms of reference of the Audit Committee and the Prescription Committee were agreed to reinforce both Committees’ ability to hold the organisation to account. We also reviewed the organisation’s Risk Management Strategy which sets out our policy in relation to the anticipation of, and mitigation of risk. As a Board, we are committed to reflecting on and learning from our own performance and so we reviewed and noted the report on our own annual Board Effectiveness Review.
Code of Conduct – Following the 2015 consultation on whether changes were required to the Code of Conduct, a full review of the Code has been conducted. It was felt that the Code was largely fit for purpose but that it would benefit from minor changes to wording to reduce the risk of any potential misunderstandings, as well as other small revisions to reflect recent changes to laws and regulations. As a consequence of this, a number of amendments to the Code have been proposed. Please click here to respond to the consultation on these changes.
A period of transition – At the February Board meeting, we bade farewell to four Board Members – John Assael, Ruth Brennan, Andrew Mortimer and Myra Kinghorn – whose terms had come to an end. I would like to thank them for their hard work and contributions during their time on the Board, their commitment has led to notable improvements in the way we operate as an organisation.
Spring 2016 marks a period of transition for the Board, with government appointing three new lay members at the beginning of April (although one of these won’t start until August 2016). Additionally, in early March the outcome of the election of architect Board members will be announced. We will of course keep you informed about these important matters over the coming months. Please connect with us on social media or sign up to our communications to keep up to date with our latest news.
Please spend a few moments reading through this eBulletin and, if you have any questions about these or any other matters, please contact the staff team by email at info@arb.org.uk or by phone on +44 (0) 20 7580 5861.