The 2015 Annual Report microsite was launched on 18 July 2016. It provides an overview of our work throughout 2015, including information about how we have delivered on our statutory remit and the objectives we set in our business plan. It also contains facts and figures about the Register. Below we have listed some of the key numbers for 2015:

The Year in Numbers

  • 36,678 – At the end of December 2015 the Register stood at 36,678, the highest year end number to date.
  • 2,279 – There were 2,279 new admissions to the Register, which represents the largest number of new admissions in a single year since the present Act came into force.
  • 42 – Once again, there was a small increase in the number of new female registrants with women making up 42% of new admissions.
  • 1,072 – European admissions also increased to 1,072; applicants from the EU represented 47% of all new admissions using the freedom of movement provided under the European Union Professional Qualification Directive.
  • 9 – The number of prosecutions for misuse of title rose from two, in 2014, to nine in 2015.
  • 10,000 – In January, a court ordered a company to pay £10,000 in fines and costs for misusing the title architect, this is the biggest penalty yet for such an offence.
  • 17,787 – The staff team answered 17,787 telephone calls.
  • 98 – In 2015, 98% of applications by the UK and EU routes were made online.
  • 1,000 – During 2015, for the first time, the number of searches of the online Register totalled over 1,000 a day.

The Annual Report microsite can be found here. Visit the site to find out more about these highlights and other areas of our work. To make sure you are signed up to receive future annual reports, check your communication preferences via online services.